Ten Museum Park – Offering the Best Favela Experience in Miami

cropped-bananas-for-web1.pngCongratulations to the Board members, David Polinsky (he resigned recently), Juan Douzoglou and Maiko Xavier on their decision to follow the “design” direction of Dominique Bonet of Linear Designs who recommended the use of Bolon in the residential halls.  Despite many protests, including a Design Committee that expressed many reservations about the product, the Board, without the requisite number of votes from residential owners required to make these changes as advised by the residential association attorneys, went ahead and installed this product.  In fact, the Board acknowledged and agreed that they needed a 75% vote of owners as indicated in Board minutes but then just decided “what the hell, let’s just do it”.

As the product was being installed, it was evident that not only did it look and feel cheap, indeed it presented acoustic challenges – mainly, as one exits the elevators, it is as if one is entering an echo chamber – noise bounces.  If one is standing by the elevators, one can hear every conversation that neighbors are having in their units with complete ease.  If one is so fortunate to live on a floor in which there are dogs, the experience is something like living in dog kennel.

Some residents report being awakened by the closing of doors by neighbors, never before an issue or being able to hear dogs barking in units on the other side of the building.

A couple of residents actually made tape recordings while the Bolon was being installed initially, making a sound recording in the hall with the original carpeting, in the hall with the Bolon flooring, in the hall with a wool carpeting and in the hall with only cement.  Though clearly this is not a scientific experiment, the difference is sound quality and acoustic integrity is mind blowing.  These recordings were sent to the Board and they did not respond to the resident who recorded these whatsoever.  During the meeting, a discussion ensued about bringing in an acoustical engineer to: 1) access whether the Bolon was actually living up to its promises on sound quality – the Board had ordered a new and improved version apparently that was supposedly better acoustically; 2) provide input on measures that could be taken to improve the issue.  Further, if in fact Bolon was not living up to its promises, steps could be taken to rectify the situation directly with the company.  The Board has done nothing.